My 2nd Crochet Craft Show Booth at Kentwood H.S.

I Stayed up the night before til 2:30am finishing a Cowl that I had just Designed to go with the Cream Colored Bow Beanie, Fingerless Gloves and Boot Cuffs. And Guess What?! They Sold, Yay! We Had A lot of Fun! Didn’t Sell as much as I would’ve liked…There wasn’t a big Crowd that showed up, but at least I made some sales ; ) I had 3 tables this time, much better…less Cluttered. And got a lot of good Networking in…as a matter of fact I was invited by 3 other vendors to be a part of a craft show this coming Friday & Saturday. So the ladies are beginning to Recognize and Remember me from these 2 Craft Shows…And they keep telling How Beautiful my work is, they’ve all said that they don’t have a Crocheter is their circle of Friends that put on the Craft Shows, one lady that sells Scentsy said the craft show she wants me to go to has like 300 vendors and not very many crocheters if any at all…So I’m in if I want to be IN ; )

Craft Shows take a lot out of you…I had the same little 8 y.o. girl named Karys, from the last craft show come up to my booth and she hung out with me most of the day…I said “Does your Mommy know where you are, so she doesn’t worry?” she said “Yeah, I told her I was gonna go see the Yarn lady” LOL, how cute is that?! then her Mom came by a couple hours later, and said “Karys, I’ve been looking for you!” Karys said “I told you where I was going, and you didn’t answer, So I came over” Mom says “I was on the Phone and didn’t hear you” : / Ooops, but the she left and said “if she bugs you send her back over” I said “Okay, But she’s Awesome, I doubt she’ll bug me”

We talked books, I asked her if she’d ever Read Amelia Bedelia and Junie B. Jones Books, and her face lit up so we talked books and stories for a while, the she went and got a book and She read to me and asked me to teach her to crochet…So I taught her the Slip Knot and how to Chain…so we made Friendship Bracelets for her and her best friend, Cameron…I made them 3 ea. I tried to show her how to single crochet a Row, but she said “Umm, I think I just want to make chains for now” She made the Longest Chain ever! I gave her some yarn and a Hook to take home to practice with…She was Ecstatic! She hung out with me til she and her mom left…I miss my Glama Girls :’ (

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