(Left Hand Tutorial) Glama’s His & Hers Messenger Bags

A Messenger Bag Tutorial for All of My Left Hand Crochet Friends…Finally I was able to come up with an easy Design & Pattern…for “Left Hand Glama’s His & Hers Messenger Bags” Thank you for crocheting along with me as we make this Messenger Bag.

Glama’s His & Hers Coffee Cup Cozies

Hi My Crochet Friends…I hope you join me in Crocheting “Glama’s His & Hers Cup Cozies, I had So Much Fun making up this pattern. This is another pattern that I started with an Idea…that evolved into something completely different. I knew I was going to make a Coffee Cup Cozies, but had NO IDEA as to the design I would put on it…I was initially thinking a Flower, and then this Idea popped into my head in the middle of making the cozy…I Love what it turned into ; ) This is the Perfect Bridal Shower Gift if you know a couple getting married.

Where I Make My Tutorials

Hi Crochet Friends…I just thought you’d be interested in Where & How I Make My Crochet Tutorials. I was in the middle of making My “Fancy Mary Jane Slippers” tutorial, when I came back from letting the Dogs out To Potty and when I was walking into My Craft Room I noticed just how Confined of a Space That I Film in, I mean I know How Confining it is…but never quite SAW JUST CONFINING IT LOOKS, LOL : D I found it interesting and thought you might too

Glama’s Fancy Mary Jane Slippers

Join me…as I Design & Create “Glama’s Fancy Mary Jane Slippers” I changed this slipper so many times in my head during Filming…Initially I was going to make a 1 inch Strap with a Button Closure. This always happens when I’m designing a Pattern, but this time you get to witness the Process The Madness LOL : D I Love what They Evolved into


I am COMPLETELY SHOCKED…that this Tutorial is Doing So Well, Its almost Beat out My Baby Cardigan Tutorial…Its only 4 (just changed to 3) views away from catching up and I believe the baby cardigan was uploaded 2 days before, And the Cardigan was being Requested almost DAILY in the Comments on My YouTube Channel.

WOW…Ida never thunk it! When I uploaded this I really didn’t think I’d get too many views on it…I just assumed most people new about this little Tip, and since it wasn’t a tutorial on me helping everyone learn to make anything, I had been planning to make this tutorial for like 4 months now but I was trying to get all of the Requests out of the way first…I didn’t think it’d be a Huge Hit!*